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Complete Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM). 

The system is in excellent condition and was maintained by the manufacturer.

Location: Sweden

The system includes:

- PGM Sequencer

- Ion One Touch 2

- Ion One Touch ES

- Server

- Chip Centrifuge

The Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM), is the least expensive next generation sequencer on the market, it is being targeted towards smaller genomes and targeted sequencing. It uses disposable semiconductor chips which come in three varieties of increasing output. 

Application kits are available from independent developers such as:

- Celemics

Other companies provide kits, these are just 2 examples. If you have a specific requirement let us know and if we know of a suitable company that can help we will provide their information to you.

Contact Us  |  Tel: +47 90 08 78 23

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